Best Collection of 500 Games
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|OBJECT:_To reach a score of 500 before your opponents.
|PLAYERS:_Four, two playing as partners, Partners must sit
across from each other.
|DECK:_One 43-card pack which includes A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8,
7, 6, 5 of each suit, both red fours, and the Joker.
|RANKS:_The Joker is the highest card in the deck. If a trump
suit is named, then the trump suit is next in rank,
ranking J of the trump suit, J of the same color suit,
followed by A, K, Q, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 (and 4 if
trump is red) of the trump suit. All other suits follow
standard ranking from Ace down to 5 or 4. Note that
the Jack of the same color is trump and should be
played as a card of the trump suit. If no trump suit
is named, then the highest card in each suit is the Ace
and continues down to 5 or 4. The Joker still outranks
any card.
~|DEALING:_The dealer deals sets of three cards face down to each
player, followed by a set of three in the widow. The
dealer then deals a set of four cards to each player,
followed by a set of three cards. Everyone should have
ten cards with three dealt to the widow.
|BIDDING:_Bidding begins with the player to the left of the dealer.
Each player has the option to bid or pass. If a bid is
made, it must be of higher value than any previous
bids. Each player has one opportunity to bid, with the
dealer bidding last. If no one bids, then the hand is
thrown in (nullified) and the next player deals.
|NULLO:_If a player bids nullo, then the object is to lose every
trick. Nullo is worth 250, ranking between 8 spades
and 8 clubs, and there is no trump suit. Double nullo
is worth 500 and can only be done if the player's partner
bid nullo. Bar nullo is also worth 500, but the bidder
cannot use the widow.
~|PLAYING:_The suit of the highest bid is named trump. The highest
bidder takes the cards in the widow, unless a bid of bar
nullo was made. This player must then discard 3 cards.
In the case of nullo or bar nullo, the bidder's partner
does not play the hand. The bidder then leads the first
card. All players must play the suit which is led if they
have it. If a player does not, then he or she may play
any card. The highest ranking card of the led suit wins
the trick unless a card of the trump suit has been thrown.
In this case, the highest trump card wins the trick. (In
the case of no trump, this only applies to the Joker.) If
the Joker is led when there is no trump, then the person
leading the Joker names the suit which he or she wants
played. If a bid of nullo was made, then the bidder's
partner sits the hand out; only the bidder and the opposing
team play their cards. The hand is over when all of the
tricks have been won.
~|SCORING:_The bidding team must earn the number of tricks which
they bid, with the named suit being trump. If this is
accomplished, then their bid is added to their score. If
they fail to do so, then their bid is deducted from their
score. If the bidding team takes all 10 tricks, they score
250 or the amount of their bid, which ever is larger. The
opposing team earns 10 points for each trick they take.
If a player bids nullo, the object is then to LOSE every
trick. If the bidder accomplishes this, he or she receives
250 points. However, if the bidder wins at least 1 trick,
then the bidding team loses 250 points and the defending
team receives 10 points for each trick that they LOST (or
10 points for each trick that the bidder won). There is
no bonus for taking more tricks than you bid unless you
take all ten tricks and bid less than 8 clubs, in which
case you receive 250 points.
~|WINNING:_The first team to reach 500 points wins the game.
If both teams reach 500 in the same hand, then the
bidding team wins the game, regardless of the score.
If a team reaches -500, then the opposing team wins
the game, regardless of the final score.
|OPTIONS:_Some circles use the black fours in lieu of the red
fours. Others use a 45-card deck with a five-card
widow. In this case, two additional cards are dealt
to the widow after the second round of the deal.
Some circles allow inkling, where a player can name
a suit that he or she is strong in, but not strong
enough to bid. An inkle has no point value, but is
treated like a bid in ranking. For example, if an
inkle of diamonds was made, you cannot inkle spades
or clubs. Also, if a bid was made, you cannot inkle.
~|OPTIONS:_Some circles start the bidding at 7 spades instead
of at 6 spades, particularly when using a 5-card
widow. The lowest bid is then worth 140 points.
Auction bidding is allowed in some circles, which
encourages higher bidding. Bidding goes around
until everyone but the highest bidder passes.
The nullo bid is not observed in all circles.
Some circles include a misdeal. If a player is dealt
no face cards, aces, or trump, he or she may call
for a misdeal. In this case, the hand is thrown in
and the next player deals. Some allow anyone to
call for a misdeal, whereas others ban the bidder
from calling a misdeal to avoid making high bids
simply to throw the hand in.
~|OPTIONS:_Some circles play that a team must bid to win the
game. If a team exceeds 500 while on defense, the
game continues until that team takes and wins a
bid, the other team falls below -500, or the other
team bids and exceeds 500. This is to promote
bidding. Because the opponents will try to outbid
a team ready to go out, the lower limit is usually
set to -1,000.
Some circles have a set number of hands that a game
consists of to eliminate long, drawn-out games where
both teams fail to reach 500. A reasonable upper
limit would be 10 games.